To Make A Basis DDE Linked Document


In Word, use the file pull-down menu to open a new document.  Select the Basis DDE (template).  There are already several bookmarks in the documents that are created with this template.  If you want to put in new data from Basis, use the Word Insert pull-down menu to insert a bookmark.  Wherever you insert a bookmark that starts with Basis followed immediately by a valid field name the system will put in the appropriate data from the selected order when you execute the Basis macro by pressing Ctrl-M.  Without the Basis Order Entry program running to link with Word, the Word macro to fill in the data will not work.  The Order Entry program must be running before you attempt to fill in the fields.


The valid field names thus far are:

Bookmark Name                   Item Returned

Ordernu                                   order number

Eventty                                   event type

Area                                        area

Source                                     source

Honoree                                  horonee

Age                                         age

Orderto                                   total price of the order

Contact                                   billing contact name

Billcom                                    billing company

Billad1                                    billing address line 1

Billad2                                    billing address line 2

Billcity                        billing city

Billsta                                      billing state

Billzip                                      billing zip

Billpho                                    billing phone number

shipattn                                   shipping contact name

shipco                                      shipping company

Shipad1                                   shipping address line 1

Shipad2                                   shipping address line 2

Shipcity                                   shipping city

Shipsta                                    shipping state

Shipzip                                    shipping zip

Shippho                                   shipping phone number